Amanda Knox was set free in Italy today. A college student studying abroad, she had been charged with murder and jailed for four years while a trial court convicted her, … Continue reading “Amanda Knox Freed After Murder Conviction Reversed”
Category: Wrongful Conviction
At Hearing, West Memphis Three Freed After 18 Years
I noted this case back in January, here. Very happy to see that these three men have now been freed. Arkansas did not exactly cover itself in glory, however. The … Continue reading “At Hearing, West Memphis Three Freed After 18 Years”
“West Memphis Three” Seeking New Trial
A riveting story of possible wrongful convictions for a vicious triple murder. Interview. Full info and references. B
Wrongful Conviction: Update
Slate published an excellent Explainer today on compensation for wrongful conviction, highlighting some of the embarrassingly pitiful payments around the country. Massachusetts has no yearly rate, either, but eight of its nine … Continue reading “Wrongful Conviction: Update”
Connecticut Legislature: $5M to Tillman for 18-Year Wrongful Conviction
James C. Tillman will receive a five million dollar check from the State of Connecticut after being exonerated by DNA evidence following 18 years of incarceration for a rape conviction. The state … Continue reading “Connecticut Legislature: $5M to Tillman for 18-Year Wrongful Conviction”