I laughed to read this CNN article about air travelers reclining their seats back into the legs and laps of the passenger seated behind them. That’s totally unacceptable. I don’t … Continue reading “Impolite Air Travelers, Meet Tort Law: Battery by Reclining Seat”
Category: Torts
Sports Brawl Law
I recently read Christopher Beam’s article “Sports and Torts” at Slate.com. Beam discusses some examples of player-on-player violence outside the rules of the game, and when the line might be … Continue reading “Sports Brawl Law”
Subway Platform Safety: A Little Railing Please?
CNN reports a New York jury awarded $2.33 million to a man who lost his leg after drunkenly falling into the path of an oncoming subway train in Manhattan. Seems to … Continue reading “Subway Platform Safety: A Little Railing Please?”
MySpace Hoax Suicide: Prosecutor Will Not Bring Charges
http://stcharlesjournal.stltoday.com/articles/2007/12/03/news/sj2tn20071203-1203stc_meier.ii1.txt Update from the source that originally broke this story. The prosecuting attorney will not bring charges. (original story, a must-read if you have interest in this case) The family of … Continue reading “MySpace Hoax Suicide: Prosecutor Will Not Bring Charges”
Family’s Rage Grows: No Charges in MySpace Hoax Death
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/28/us/28hoax.html?em&ex=1196398800&en=b1408a7356b77eef&ei=5087%0A You may’ve heard about this, but the details are beyond shocking. If this deeply malicious behavior toward a minor by a 47 year-old is not in fact a crime, then it … Continue reading “Family’s Rage Grows: No Charges in MySpace Hoax Death”
$5M Verdict Signals Open Season on Iraq Contractors?
http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/11/26/soldier.lawsuit/index.html Earlier this month, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia sided with (opinion) the family of Army Lt. Col. Dominic “Rocky” Baragona in their wrongful death claim against Kuwait … Continue reading “$5M Verdict Signals Open Season on Iraq Contractors?”
Duke Players “Declared Innocent.” Will They Sue, and Who?
An AP article on CNN.com considers the question. No point ($) in going after the original accuser. So you’re left with Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong (and presumably the … Continue reading “Duke Players “Declared Innocent.” Will They Sue, and Who?”