Good guess, but no, I don’t mean Mitt Romney, who won the Iowa Republican Caucuses by 8 votes last night over Rick Santorum, with Ron Paul finishing a strong third. … Continue reading “Welcome Our Alien Overlord”
Category: Space Law
Curiosity Is Away!
The Mars rover Curiosity launched from Florida aboard a rocket on November 26. It is scheduled to land on the Red Planet on August 5, 2012. Curiosity is the size … Continue reading “Curiosity Is Away!”
On Towing the New Giant Planet Made of Diamond Back to Earth
Yes, they DID find a giant planet (5 times diameter of Earth, but mass greater than Jupiter) made of carbon and oxygen with a crystalline structure. Translation: Big ole Diamond. … Continue reading “On Towing the New Giant Planet Made of Diamond Back to Earth”
Who Owns the Moon? And Other Exotic, Barely Inhabitable Places.
Good primer on Space Law in Slate’s Explainer column today. India launched a moon mission yesterday, wherein an unmanned orbiter will map Lune’s polar regions. Also on the agenda: detecting subsurface … Continue reading “Who Owns the Moon? And Other Exotic, Barely Inhabitable Places.”