I watched at midnight local time last night, and IBM Jeopardy Computer “Watson” appeared to thoroughly trounce its human opponents in the Double Jeopardy round, wracking up over $30,000 in … Continue reading “Rules Lawyer: Watson Only Appears to Dominate Jeopary”
Category: Rules Lawyer
Rules Lawyer: Urban Meyer’s Jump Pass Obsession
My faith in the Crimson Tide wavered after their almost-loss against Arkansas, but they made me a believer with Saturday’s manhandling of Florida – an obviously skilled team who will … Continue reading “Rules Lawyer: Urban Meyer’s Jump Pass Obsession”
MLB Rules Lawyer: Derek Jeter a Cheater?
Last Wednesday, Derek Jeter was at bat for the New York Yankees. As opposing pitcher Chad Qualls of the Tampa Bay Rays wound up, Jeter squared around showing bunt, but … Continue reading “MLB Rules Lawyer: Derek Jeter a Cheater?”
NFL Rules Lawyer: Bears vs. Lions
Detroit Lions receiver Calvin Johnson caught the football in the end zone on Sunday afternoon – or did he? A catch would result in six points, and a high probability of defeating the Chicago Bears – barring a … Continue reading “NFL Rules Lawyer: Bears vs. Lions”