This begs the question: Does the Chinese government have no advisers? A Chinese human rights activist, Chen Guangcheng, under house arrest for years for decrying Chinese gov’t abuses, escapes and … Continue reading “China Demands Apology for Activist’s Refuge at U.S. Embassy”
Category: Revolution
Syria Cease-Fire: Really!?
The media seems to be coming around to grasping what I think was always quite obvious, that the Syrian regime’s deliberate strategy is to appear to negotiate and in fact … Continue reading “Syria Cease-Fire: Really!?”
Inspiration from Dr. Seuss
UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. — the Lorax B
Occupy China: Wukan
Horrible story for the town of Wukan. 10,000 residents under siege in rural China because the authorities have given away the people’s farmland to developers and the villagers are protesting. … Continue reading “Occupy China: Wukan”
About The Rigged Russian Elections
FP has a good account. Vladimir Putin’s party “United Russia” basically engaged in widespread ballot box stuffing and the results are a total sham. Young Russians aren’t happy, but too … Continue reading “About The Rigged Russian Elections”
Greece: No Referendum After All; Oakland Strikes
The Greek government is backing away from a surprise call for a public referendum on the latest bail-out deal offered by European Union members. Analysts said the vote was almost … Continue reading “Greece: No Referendum After All; Oakland Strikes”
A Right to Make a Profit? Consumers Say No.
Some interesting things happening across the country. The Occupy Wall Street protests. Netflix’s flip-flop on splitting their subscription plan (lost them millions of subscribers, now they’ve ditched the plan and … Continue reading “A Right to Make a Profit? Consumers Say No.”
Syria Protests Exploding, US Mulls Response
The Syrian military attacked the rebellious city of Daraa today with ground forces including tanks, escalating the government crackdown on widespread dissent. The United States and United Nations have condemned … Continue reading “Syria Protests Exploding, US Mulls Response”
President’s Libya Speech: Reactions
Greenwald has a good reax column at Salon. Slate’s Fred Kaplan. Foreign Policy’s bloggers debate the speech. Sullivan collects reax at The Daily Dish. Text of the speech, at TPM. … Continue reading “President’s Libya Speech: Reactions”
More US Planes Attacking in Lybia
A good summary of the latest is at Wired’s Danger Room. A greater percentage of the sorties are being flown by US jets as the days pass. We also fired … Continue reading “More US Planes Attacking in Lybia”