This is predictable. We know that negative ads are powerful campaign weapons. The leading Republicans, Romney and Gingrich, have been lambasting each other for weeks now, highlighting and exaggerating the … Continue reading “As Mud Flies, Bad Imp(R)essions Mount”
Category: Politics
Welcome Our Alien Overlord
Good guess, but no, I don’t mean Mitt Romney, who won the Iowa Republican Caucuses by 8 votes last night over Rick Santorum, with Ron Paul finishing a strong third. … Continue reading “Welcome Our Alien Overlord”
Occupy China: Wukan
Horrible story for the town of Wukan. 10,000 residents under siege in rural China because the authorities have given away the people’s farmland to developers and the villagers are protesting. … Continue reading “Occupy China: Wukan”
Super Committee Fails, President Obama Issues Veto Threat
The Congressional Super Committee, tasked with agreeing to $1.2 trillion in cuts and revenue over 10 years, has failed to reach an agreement. Democrats offered a package of spending cuts … Continue reading “Super Committee Fails, President Obama Issues Veto Threat”
Greece: No Referendum After All; Oakland Strikes
The Greek government is backing away from a surprise call for a public referendum on the latest bail-out deal offered by European Union members. Analysts said the vote was almost … Continue reading “Greece: No Referendum After All; Oakland Strikes”
Occupy Wall Street and Lessig’s ‘Republic, Lost’
Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig has written a book, Republic, Lost. Lessig introduces the book and discusses it’s implications for the Occupy Wall Street movement, here. A Republic — by … Continue reading “Occupy Wall Street and Lessig’s ‘Republic, Lost’”
Obama’s Jobs Speech
Three big takes: Krugman Brooks Slate’s John Dickerson Obama laid out a jobs plan whose elements have been supported by Republicans in the past. If they block it, he threatened … Continue reading “Obama’s Jobs Speech”
Will the Debt Ceiling Deal Pass?
A deal has been cobbled together, but there are still questions about whether it can pass both houses of Congress. Many Democrats are incensed at what is hard to spin … Continue reading “Will the Debt Ceiling Deal Pass?”
Political Messaging and the Debt Ceiling Crisis
This is interesting and not what I expected: (From the Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted by telephone July 14-17, 2011, among a random national sample of 1,001 adults) 5. Who … Continue reading “Political Messaging and the Debt Ceiling Crisis”
14th Amendment Arguments: The Experts
Constitutional law blog Balkinization is awash in detailed Constitutional law arguments related to the Fourteenth Amendment’s impact on the debt ceiling controversy, including the research into what the Civil War era … Continue reading “14th Amendment Arguments: The Experts”