Harvard professor Henry Gates was arrested at his home last week by Cambridge policeman James Crowley, sparking a national uproar. Two views worth reading: NYPD Police Captain Brandon del Pozo Response by … Continue reading “GatesGate: Two Views”
Category: Police Conduct
Sean Bell: “Observed” Reaching for a Non-Existent Weapon?
I want to discuss how, at night, someone outside a moving vehicle can observe someone inside the vehicle and reasonably determine that the passenger has “move[d] his body as if he were reaching … Continue reading “Sean Bell: “Observed” Reaching for a Non-Existent Weapon?”
Odyssey Marine, Louis Montgomery (Updates)
Two interesting matters that have been dormant for some time, worthy of an update. Odyssey Marine v. Spain update: A report in El País newspaper has revealed that the 500,000 coins … Continue reading “Odyssey Marine, Louis Montgomery (Updates)”
(Update) Louis Montgomery: Outraged Octogenarian (new Video)
Good article and excellent video from Jason Kotowski writing for The Bakersfield Californian showing the painted wall and more. I am coming around to the understanding that the subject wall is … Continue reading “(Update) Louis Montgomery: Outraged Octogenarian (new Video)”
(Update) Outraged Octogenarian: Whose Fence Was It Anyway?
This story has some legs in California. Any of these three links should work for the video: http://www.kget.com/mostpopular/story.aspx?content_id=69d2f9b3-ac17-4472-9fb7-09d351703540 http://www.kget.com/mediacenter/local.aspx?videoId=17879 http://www.kget.com/mediacenter/?videoId=17879 The video accompanies a brief report that the accused, Louis … Continue reading “(Update) Outraged Octogenarian: Whose Fence Was It Anyway?”
Deputy Pole-Axed by Outraged Octogenarian. Paint Roller as Deadly Weapon?
…I’d say only if it killed you. This story (which is real, to my knowledge) is too good to pass up, and includes some interesting legal issues. BAKERSFIELD, Calif. … Continue reading “Deputy Pole-Axed by Outraged Octogenarian. Paint Roller as Deadly Weapon?”
Supreme Court to 11th Circuit: We are reasonable, you are not. (Scott v. Harris)
Thoughts on police-chase case Scott v. Harris. Watch the police videos here. The crucial question is whether the Deputy Scott’s act (running Harris off the road) was a reasonable seizure … Continue reading “Supreme Court to 11th Circuit: We are reasonable, you are not. (Scott v. Harris)”