Today came reports that Moammar Gadafi was killed in Libya. Having ruled Libya for four decades, Gadafi had become a fugitive after rebels largely prevailed in a civil war launched … Continue reading “Gadhafi Killed In Libya”
Category: Libya
Libya Surprises. What Next?
Have to say the much-criticized Obama administration has come out of Libya smelling like a rose. What next? Fred Kaplan has five recommendations. B PS – Shameless critics still being … Continue reading “Libya Surprises. What Next?”
President’s Libya Speech: Reactions
Greenwald has a good reax column at Salon. Slate’s Fred Kaplan. Foreign Policy’s bloggers debate the speech. Sullivan collects reax at The Daily Dish. Text of the speech, at TPM. … Continue reading “President’s Libya Speech: Reactions”
More US Planes Attacking in Lybia
A good summary of the latest is at Wired’s Danger Room. A greater percentage of the sorties are being flown by US jets as the days pass. We also fired … Continue reading “More US Planes Attacking in Lybia”
U.N. Coalition Blasts Qadafi Forces; In Japan, Suffering
Following the U.N. resolution to use any means to halt the Qadafi regime’s attacks on civilians, widespread strikes were carried out by the United States, France and Britain on Libya’s … Continue reading “U.N. Coalition Blasts Qadafi Forces; In Japan, Suffering”
U.N. Passes Powerful Measure to Intervene in Libya
Yesterday I lamented Western inaction in the face of potential genocide in Libya. Last night the United Nations passed a sweeping resolution to use all means necessary to halt the … Continue reading “U.N. Passes Powerful Measure to Intervene in Libya”