Explainer. Gallery. The DOW is +150 less than an hour after markets open, after shedding a trillion in value yesterday. Will probably be a bumpy day. B
Category: Law and Society
Terror Trial a Capitulation?
Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick pulls no punches. What do you think? B
Glimpses of Dystopia: Corporate Giants Plot Against Little-Guy Stalwarts
This is a serious post, unlike some others which tilt more toward fun and awe. But like them all, it’s something I think is riveting, and that you really should … Continue reading “Glimpses of Dystopia: Corporate Giants Plot Against Little-Guy Stalwarts”
Impolite Air Travelers, Meet Tort Law: Battery by Reclining Seat
I laughed to read this CNN article about air travelers reclining their seats back into the legs and laps of the passenger seated behind them. That’s totally unacceptable. I don’t … Continue reading “Impolite Air Travelers, Meet Tort Law: Battery by Reclining Seat”
Burka Controversy Coming to America
CNN flags a First Amendment clash. (Image source: wikimedia commons) Can a Muslim woman wear a burka/niqab while testifying in court? Michigan small-claims court judge Paul Paruk said no, ordering Ginnah Muhammed to remove … Continue reading “Burka Controversy Coming to America”
Caperton v. Massey: Preserving Faith in Fairness
To allow, or to forbid, a judge’s judging a case when one litigant has pumped millions of dollars into the judge’s election campaign. How best to preserve Americans’ faith in … Continue reading “Caperton v. Massey: Preserving Faith in Fairness”
Toward a Better Administration of Justice
At Slate.com, Daliah Lithwick writes about America’s prison problem and Senator Jim Webb’s (D-VA) upcoming effort to address it. A couple of quotes from Lithwick’s column:
School Bullying: Worse Than You Think
Vicious, incessant bullying in school — primary school, 5th grade in this horrible case — is certainly a massively underestimated problem in this country, even with the substantial attention the issue has … Continue reading “School Bullying: Worse Than You Think”
Iowa Supreme Court Rules On Same-Sex Marriage
CNN is reporting a unanimous decision by the Iowa Supreme Court, holding that a state law prohibiting same-sex marriage violates the equal protection clause of the Iowa Constitution. Iowa joins … Continue reading “Iowa Supreme Court Rules On Same-Sex Marriage”
Cali Justices Unreceptive to Prop 8 Reversal
The LA Times reports on yesterday’s Prop 8 oral arguments before the California Supreme Court: The California Supreme Court strongly indicated Thursday it would rule that Proposition 8 validly abolished … Continue reading “Cali Justices Unreceptive to Prop 8 Reversal”