Almost five years ago in this blog, I wrote about Odyssey Marine’s recovery of $500 million of gold and silver coins from the Atlantic seafloor, and Spain’s lawsuit to claim … Continue reading “Odyssey Marine Case Ending Well For Spain”
Category: International Law
Denmark to Claim North Pole; Next, the Moon
This is rather preposterous, but everyone’s doing it. It reminds me of the time I wondered who owned the moon – or how one would go about doing that. This … Continue reading “Denmark to Claim North Pole; Next, the Moon”
Mauritius: A Compelling Story
The tiny island nation of Mauritius rises from the Indian Ocean as far again east of Madagascar as Madagascar is east of Africa proper. We all know that general locale … Continue reading “Mauritius: A Compelling Story”
Who Owns the Moon? And Other Exotic, Barely Inhabitable Places.
Good primer on Space Law in Slate’s Explainer column today. India launched a moon mission yesterday, wherein an unmanned orbiter will map Lune’s polar regions. Also on the agenda: detecting subsurface … Continue reading “Who Owns the Moon? And Other Exotic, Barely Inhabitable Places.”
Georgia on Russian Invasion: ‘West’ Should Wake Up
Russian troops, armor and aircraft invaded Georgian territory today in the restive ‘South Ossetia’ region of northern Georgia. The attack was in response to Georgia’s capture yesterday of the separatist-held regional capital, Tskhinvali (map). Russia … Continue reading “Georgia on Russian Invasion: ‘West’ Should Wake Up”
$5M Verdict Signals Open Season on Iraq Contractors? Earlier this month, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia sided with (opinion) the family of Army Lt. Col. Dominic “Rocky” Baragona in their wrongful death claim against Kuwait … Continue reading “$5M Verdict Signals Open Season on Iraq Contractors?”
‘Odyssey Explorer’ Intercepted, Forced to Port by Spain
As reported by CNN, Gibfocus, and the Guardian (with picture). Odyssey Marine’s flagship, the Odyssey Explorer (OE), left its Gibraltar haven Tuesday morning October 16, only to be intercepted by Spanish Civil Guardia … Continue reading “‘Odyssey Explorer’ Intercepted, Forced to Port by Spain”
Odyssey Marine, Louis Montgomery (Updates)
Two interesting matters that have been dormant for some time, worthy of an update. Odyssey Marine v. Spain update: A report in El País newspaper has revealed that the 500,000 coins … Continue reading “Odyssey Marine, Louis Montgomery (Updates)”
Odyssey Marine vs. Spain (Update)
It’s been a slow fortnight for the Odyssey v. Spain story. Since my last report, Odyssey’s ship, the Ocean Alert, was released from the custody of Spanish authorities, whose most interesting offense was … Continue reading “Odyssey Marine vs. Spain (Update)”
(Update) Odyssey Marine: Vessel Boarded, Forced to Spanish Port
In press releases dated July 12 and July 17, Odyssey Marine (OM) reported the seizure of its ship Ocean Alert by the Spanish Guardia Civil in international waters after the … Continue reading “(Update) Odyssey Marine: Vessel Boarded, Forced to Spanish Port”