“Out of deference to the Navy,” Disney withdrew their trademark application to the term “SEAL Team 6”. Read: In response to a storm of derisive criticism, Disney withdrew… I derided … Continue reading “Disney Withdraws ‘SEAL Team 6’ TM Application”
Category: Intellectual Property Law
Disney Strongarming SEAL Team 6?
This strikes me as all kinds of disgraceful. Just two days after SEAL Team 6 killed Osama bin Laden, Disney (Disney!) filed for a trademark on the name “SEAL Team … Continue reading “Disney Strongarming SEAL Team 6?”
Trademark or Generic? Apple Sues Amazon Over ‘Appstore’
Two tech industry powerhouses are crossing swords in court over the use of the term “Appstore.” Amazon has opened an “Appstore,” but Apple had previously been granted a trademark on … Continue reading “Trademark or Generic? Apple Sues Amazon Over ‘Appstore’”
Jones Day’s Strange War on Links
I came across a disturbing internet/law story on Slate. Definitely a big issue for online reporting. Jones Day is an international law firm (2,300+ lawyers). BlockShopper is a real estate news website. According … Continue reading “Jones Day’s Strange War on Links”
Obama Portraitist Launches Copyright Case
Artist Shepard Fairey composed a stylized, red-white-and-blue portrait of Barack Obama based on a photograph taken by Mannie Garcia for the Associated Press. The portrait became famous during the 2008 presidential campaign. … Continue reading “Obama Portraitist Launches Copyright Case”
Scalia’s Establishment Clause Footprints Fantasy
Forgive the Frankensteinian headline. Three items caught my eye today: LATimes.com reports the Supreme Court will hear an appeal by Major League Baseball from a loss to a “fantasy” baseball league. The for-profit fantasy league says it is … Continue reading “Scalia’s Establishment Clause Footprints Fantasy”
J.K. Rowling’s Misguided Suit to Block Muggle-made Potter Guide
A good discussion here: http://www.slate.com/id/2181776/ A vast fan website tolerated by Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has decided to publish a Guide to the Potter universe in book form. Rowling … Continue reading “J.K. Rowling’s Misguided Suit to Block Muggle-made Potter Guide”
Hacking Your iPhone: May The Force Be With You
What a topper for a great week. This really made me smile. A Slate.com article turned me on to hacking Apple’s iPhone last night, wherein the legalities and technicalities were discussed. Why would you? … Continue reading “Hacking Your iPhone: May The Force Be With You”
$220,000 Verdict Against Music File-Sharer
Good analysis, here. The RIAA is making quite a bet that whatever the lawsuit barrage accomplishes, the resulting public relations fallout can be contained. The comments to the linked piece are not very … Continue reading “$220,000 Verdict Against Music File-Sharer”