Slate’s Negotiation Academy. An entertaining series, worth a listen. B
Category: From the Consumer Desk
A Right to Make a Profit? Consumers Say No.
Some interesting things happening across the country. The Occupy Wall Street protests. Netflix’s flip-flop on splitting their subscription plan (lost them millions of subscribers, now they’ve ditched the plan and … Continue reading “A Right to Make a Profit? Consumers Say No.”
TIME’s 50 Best Websites of 2011 – Good Stuff
Lots of good stuff here. My fave? Maybe Want your kids playing DS, or improving their vocabulary while fighting world hunger? B
Free Land? Really?
Seven Towns Where Land Is Free. I didn’t know this sort of thing still existed. B
SolarCity is Cool. Google Likes 280 Million times.
A bit rushed but have to share this: Good stuff about a residential solar power company leasing to homeowners. A practical way to pay. Instant lower monthly energy bills, even … Continue reading “SolarCity is Cool. Google Likes 280 Million times.”
To Buy or to Rent?
CNN has an interesting article. Renters only win (long term) if they invest their savings. At this point, even that doesn’t work, with home prices being so low nationwide. It’s … Continue reading “To Buy or to Rent?”
Disney Withdraws ‘SEAL Team 6’ TM Application
“Out of deference to the Navy,” Disney withdrew their trademark application to the term “SEAL Team 6”. Read: In response to a storm of derisive criticism, Disney withdrew… I derided … Continue reading “Disney Withdraws ‘SEAL Team 6’ TM Application”
Disney Strongarming SEAL Team 6?
This strikes me as all kinds of disgraceful. Just two days after SEAL Team 6 killed Osama bin Laden, Disney (Disney!) filed for a trademark on the name “SEAL Team … Continue reading “Disney Strongarming SEAL Team 6?”
Google’s Driverless Car
This would be a dream come true. Potential improvements in safety, efficiency, comfort – even productivity. There’s a lot of good video out there if you’re interested. B
Rapture Tomrrow? Three Words.
The Rapture is tomorrow? No. It. Isn’t. Nuff said. Funny advice for students. B PS- Check the categories under which this post is filed, or you’re missing half the fun. … Continue reading “Rapture Tomrrow? Three Words.”