Gail Tverberg explains why, at present, oil prices are affecting Europe more than the United States. Read. B
Category: Financial Crisis
Choose Your Own Adventure: Greek Debt Crisis Manager
Ha! I remembered the Choose Your Own Adventure books almost a year to the day ago, here (lots of good links). Today I see this! In which you must CYOA … Continue reading “Choose Your Own Adventure: Greek Debt Crisis Manager”
Great Headlines of 2011
“Great Britain Goes to War” is really high on the hyperbole chart at Slate. Discussing Britain’s withdrawal from the pact struck by other Euro members to strike a pact. Meanwhile … Continue reading “Great Headlines of 2011”
Super Committee Fails, President Obama Issues Veto Threat
The Congressional Super Committee, tasked with agreeing to $1.2 trillion in cuts and revenue over 10 years, has failed to reach an agreement. Democrats offered a package of spending cuts … Continue reading “Super Committee Fails, President Obama Issues Veto Threat”
Greece is a Sideshow, Italy is the Problem
Italy is growing less and less able to borrow money cheaply. The interest rate on Italian 10-year maturity debt rose above 7% yesterday. This is because lenders (buyers of Italian … Continue reading “Greece is a Sideshow, Italy is the Problem”
Greece: No Referendum After All; Oakland Strikes
The Greek government is backing away from a surprise call for a public referendum on the latest bail-out deal offered by European Union members. Analysts said the vote was almost … Continue reading “Greece: No Referendum After All; Oakland Strikes”
Economist as Folk Hero
Latest member of Krugman’s Army. Does the transition from folk hero to hero takes place when people in charge start listening to you? Sadly we may never know. Latest on … Continue reading “Economist as Folk Hero”
I Was Afraid of That
Krugman’s thoughts on the European Deal. Not good. The agreement is at best inadequate, and possibly makes no sense at all. He elaborates on exactly the theme I suspected he … Continue reading “I Was Afraid of That”
Europe Deal Pumps Markets, But What Holds the Future?
The Europameisters have a deal that rallied the markets today, but the devil is in the implementation according to the reports I’ve heard. Waiting for Krugman to speak on it. … Continue reading “Europe Deal Pumps Markets, But What Holds the Future?”
How Europe Could Sink Us
The financial crisis in Europe, where several nations – led by Greece – are in danger of defaulting on debt payments, could really tank the world economy if it all … Continue reading “How Europe Could Sink Us”