A lot of people do it. It’s distracting per say, but everyone things they’re careful enough to manage it. It’s just a glance, right? But if you slip up and … Continue reading “Teens & Adults: Don’t Text and Drive”
Category: Criminal Law
Legal and Evidentiary Issues in Trayvon Martin’s Death
Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida. Central to the case is whether Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law should apply. Slate‘s Emily Bazelon updates the legal … Continue reading “Legal and Evidentiary Issues in Trayvon Martin’s Death”
Amanda Knox Freed After Murder Conviction Reversed
Amanda Knox was set free in Italy today. A college student studying abroad, she had been charged with murder and jailed for four years while a trial court convicted her, … Continue reading “Amanda Knox Freed After Murder Conviction Reversed”
Alibi for Facebook Misbehavior?
Fascinating article in TIME. Suspecting that his ex-wife had created a sham Facebook account for a fictional teen girl to entrap him, David Voelkert interacted with the account, soliciting a … Continue reading “Alibi for Facebook Misbehavior?”
Self-Representation in Court?
An article at Slate asks why John Edwards – a famous trial lawyer and former presidential candidate accused of illegal use of campaign funds – isn’t representing himself in his … Continue reading “Self-Representation in Court?”
Glimpses of Dystopia: Corporate Giants Plot Against Little-Guy Stalwarts
This is a serious post, unlike some others which tilt more toward fun and awe. But like them all, it’s something I think is riveting, and that you really should … Continue reading “Glimpses of Dystopia: Corporate Giants Plot Against Little-Guy Stalwarts”
“West Memphis Three” Seeking New Trial
A riveting story of possible wrongful convictions for a vicious triple murder. Interview. Full info and references. B
New Low in Prosecutorial Discretion? Also, an Explosive Twain Edit
A county prosecutor in Michigan is throwing the book at Leon Walker, who read his wife’s email (via using her not-concealed password) on a laptop that he had purchased for … Continue reading “New Low in Prosecutorial Discretion? Also, an Explosive Twain Edit”
Toward a Better Administration of Justice
At Slate.com, Daliah Lithwick writes about America’s prison problem and Senator Jim Webb’s (D-VA) upcoming effort to address it. A couple of quotes from Lithwick’s column:
Obama Releases Four Bush-OLC Torture Memos
On April 16, in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union, President Obama ordered the release of four Bush-era Office of Legal Council … Continue reading “Obama Releases Four Bush-OLC Torture Memos”