In the mega-blockbuster Supreme Court decision of our time, conservative operator Chief Justice John Roberts switched sides and joined with the Court’s four liberals to save Obamacare in a 5-4 … Continue reading “Chief Justice Roberts Inexplicably Saves Obamacare”
Category: Constitutional Law
Supreme Court Primer
While we wait for the big health care reform decision on Thursday, the Supreme Court has handed down decisions on life-without-parole for minors, Montana’s flouting of the much-hated Citizens United … Continue reading “Supreme Court Primer”
Stephen Colbert’s Crusade Against Citizens United
A good article in Slate by Dahlia Lithwick. Read. B
11th Circuit Strikes Individual Mandate from Health Care Reform
Scotusblog. It was a three judge panel. The decision could be reviewed by the full court. This contradicts the 6th Circuit’s ruling upholding the new health care law. One job … Continue reading “11th Circuit Strikes Individual Mandate from Health Care Reform”
14th Amendment Arguments: The Experts
Constitutional law blog Balkinization is awash in detailed Constitutional law arguments related to the Fourteenth Amendment’s impact on the debt ceiling controversy, including the research into what the Civil War era … Continue reading “14th Amendment Arguments: The Experts”
Debt Ceiling vs. Fourteenth Amendement
Sec. Treasury Timothy Geithner reading from his pocket Constitution. B
Stuff in My In-Box: Debt Ceiling Embroglio
I stumbled over this in my inbox this morning. Names redacted to protect the innocent/guilty. You’ll be hearing more about this as we get closer to August. ——————— From: xxxxxxx … Continue reading “Stuff in My In-Box: Debt Ceiling Embroglio”
AT&T’s Personal Privacy: Corporate Personhood, Round 2
A humorous report on oral arguments before the Supreme Court in FCC vs. AT&T. B
Our Liberty vs. Our Security: Anwar al-Awlaki
Glenn Greenwald reports on the U.S. Government’s continuing efforts to find and kill, without any “due process,” trial, or the like, a non-combatant U.S. Citizen living abroad. I recommend this … Continue reading “Our Liberty vs. Our Security: Anwar al-Awlaki”
High Controversy: Don’t Opine – Saftey Risk
For your immediate attention (if you’ve been under a rock): several sensitive legal(ish) topics. But be warned, you may want to keep your opinions to yourself. Or “tell us how … Continue reading “High Controversy: Don’t Opine – Saftey Risk”