Our science rover Curiosity is about 40 days from its August 5 landing on Mars. Here (via Bad Astronomy) is an awesome video explaining the landing sequence. Tune in … Continue reading “Curiosity Approaching Mars”
Category: Beautiful Universe
My Transit of Venus, 2012
So Venus could be seen transiting across the face of the sun yesterday, starting in the late afternoon where I live in Mississippi. This happens only rarely, twice in an … Continue reading “My Transit of Venus, 2012”
Viva Long Life! Via Stuff You Drink Anyway.
Wonderful, wonderful news. Thank you, coffee. But wait, it gets even better. 104 here I come. B
‘What Is Missing?’ A Profound Online Experience
Maya Lin, the artist and architect who designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is completing what she says will be her last memorial, an online creation: “What Is Missing?“ The mesmerizing … Continue reading “‘What Is Missing?’ A Profound Online Experience”
White Orca Sighted off Russia
Really cool. That dorsal fin is 6 feet tall! And look at that countryside. Kamchatka? B
That’s About the Size of It
Remember this? I thought of it when looking at this great new sliding “scale of the universe” tool by Cary Huang. You can read nice tidbits of info on each … Continue reading “That’s About the Size of It”
In the Trenches
Neat info spread from BBC News on the deepest places on Earth. B
Welcome Our Alien Overlord
Good guess, but no, I don’t mean Mitt Romney, who won the Iowa Republican Caucuses by 8 votes last night over Rick Santorum, with Ron Paul finishing a strong third. … Continue reading “Welcome Our Alien Overlord”
Curiosity Is Away!
The Mars rover Curiosity launched from Florida aboard a rocket on November 26. It is scheduled to land on the Red Planet on August 5, 2012. Curiosity is the size … Continue reading “Curiosity Is Away!”
Born Deaf, Sarah Sloan Hears for the First Time
This is extremely touching. Must share. This woman’s reaction to hearing for the first time (via implanted hearing aid) is caught on tape by her husband. This is ‘hope in … Continue reading “Born Deaf, Sarah Sloan Hears for the First Time”