July 2011 is the date for a planned troop withdrawal from A’stan. How many troops should leave is hotly debated. Slate’s Fred Kaplan has an excellent primer. B
Category: Af/Pak War
Disney Withdraws ‘SEAL Team 6’ TM Application
“Out of deference to the Navy,” Disney withdrew their trademark application to the term “SEAL Team 6”. Read: In response to a storm of derisive criticism, Disney withdrew… I derided … Continue reading “Disney Withdraws ‘SEAL Team 6’ TM Application”
Disney Strongarming SEAL Team 6?
This strikes me as all kinds of disgraceful. Just two days after SEAL Team 6 killed Osama bin Laden, Disney (Disney!) filed for a trademark on the name “SEAL Team … Continue reading “Disney Strongarming SEAL Team 6?”
Wrong to Celebrate Death? Poll says Yes.
This poll struck me as quite a contrast to the television coverage of gleeful crowds. (CNN) – Those who cheered outside the White House and Ground Zero on the night … Continue reading “Wrong to Celebrate Death? Poll says Yes.”
Not Your Average Toto: Special Ops Dogs
The news is going round that a military dog was part of the mission to get bin Laden. Foreign Policy has a nice ‘War Dog‘ photo essay you’ll enjoy. B
Osama bin Laden is Dead; the War Goes On
As usual the best collection of reactions is at The Dish. Also, Foreign Policy. B
Richard Holbrooke, 1941-2010. American Diplomat.
Holbrooke was always something of a hero to me. He was universally recognized as the best at what he did. At the same time I never knew as much about … Continue reading “Richard Holbrooke, 1941-2010. American Diplomat.”